With digital technology on the rise, data is quickly becoming the central core of an enterprise’s value. Data is what guides companies to make consumer focused decisions in order to improve products and services in a competitive market. Data destruction is not usually top of mind for most organizations. That’s why realizing the potential security and financial risks companies face by not properly destroying their data is detrimental to future success.
The proper steps must be taken to prevent data breaches and ensure your customers’ and organization’s sensitive data has been completely disposed of. In order to get a better understanding of why protecting your data is important, let’s explore data destruction behavior and its impact.
With improper data destruction practices, some of the negative consequences your company could potentially face include:
The cost of proper data destruction is minimal compared with the potential costs of someone accessing your personal data. According to Protiviti, a global business consultant firm for Fortune 1000 and 500 companies, “One in three companies lack policies for information security and data encryption.” Having a secure data destruction process is crucial. Much of the time, sensitive data ends up in the hands of IT employees without the proper procedure to properly dispose of critical information. Hackers are aware of this common issue and are readily available to steal your enterprise’s crown jewels.
Many companies are migrating to the cloud and may relocate their data centers every few years, leaving servers full of private information. Just as any other company, data centers must make sure they plan ahead for data destruction processes in order to stay within the set budget and with minimal operational interruptions for their clients.
For proper data destruction practices, make sure you take electronics to a reliable third party service if your organization does not perform data destruction services in-house. To prevent your company from external data leaks, make sure you are properly destroying old storage media or hire someone who is trusted to do it for you efficiently and eco-friendly like Big Data Supply, Inc. Our processes meet or exceed all laws, acts and compliance regarding data destruction such as HIPPA, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), Department of Defense (DOD) and more.
Here at Big Data Supply, Inc., we offer an eco-friendly e-waste recycling program for all tape formats and brands. We comply with multiple laws regarding consumer data including HIPAA, FACTA, SEC, and more. Contact us today and we’ll take care of your data destruction needs no matter how large or small.